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Article: Spring Trends 2022

Spring Trends 2022 - Milas Jewels Shop

Spring Trends 2022

For each season there is a different gem, it is certainly a fact, but it is also true that each season brings with it its own tendencies. Spring is synonymous with rebirth, colors, flowers and life prevail. 

Unlike garments, in the world of jewelry changes every season are not so drastic, since the classics remain in force, they are timeless. However, there are trends that could take a lot of force from time to time, making those more classic and immutable pieces susceptible and mixed with other styles of pure trend, or always aesthetic that enjoy prominence today. At Milajewels we love the classics, but we also strongly embrace the trends that arrive each season.

In the spring of 2022 the jewels take notoriety, come to their extravagant and striking version. ¡Dare to look like never before with Milajewels!



This year again the use of pearls in our outfits, the charm of the eighties, come back to add a touch of glamour to our look. When thinking of pearls does not come to mind the jewels of the grandmother, because they have come back, and we hope that they stay forever, at Milajewels we love them, and we have different presentations, such as: Earrings "Pearl Shell" Necklace "Nuka", Earrings "Heart Pearl", Bracelet "Beauty Pearl" and many more options.



Perfection for those who enjoy flying looks, with unique and ostentatious accessories. Size is the main thing this season. Our options are varied, if you are rings then take a look at the Ring "Bee", and the Ring "Chained" catch the attention a lot, and go perfect with necklaces such as: "Crossed", and "Argento".


The most characteristic natural component of spring is again a great inspiration this 2022. Wear flowers to taste, with our elegant models, such as: the Ring "Daisy Flower" or since it is colored dare to wear combined our Necklace "Little Flowers", and our Anklet "Little Flowers".



The hoops are reinvented with their new forms, and it is that they can go beyond a simple perfect circle. Give them the prominence they deserve! 

The main thing about this trend is that the personality and style go hand in hand, each little jewel brings with it its special touch and will make you feel unique. At Milajewels you will find magnificent earrings such as: "Divided", "Lumina", and Cascade”.



 The trend that we liked the most is undoubtedly the combination of gold and silver. We will be able to carry all our favorite pieces at the same time. Mix your joys without fear, they look great together and save us a lot of time when deciding how and when to use them. Would you dare to wear these colors together?

Jewelry has always been an indispensable complement to bring distinction in the clothing of each woman. They are a symbol of femininity and even of social status and at Milajewels we love that women feel beautiful and safe, our purpose is that they dare to reinvent themselves and for that reason we put at their disposal manufactured jewelry for each style, each season and occasion.

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